Early Modern Metaphysics of Causality and Representation

16.12.2011 - 17.12.2011

Early Modern Metaphysics of Causality and Representation
University of Turku, Department of Philosophy
16-17 December 2011
Publicum, Lecture Hall 4 (Pub4)

Friday 16 December 2011

9:30 Valtteri Viljanen: Opening words

9:35 Helen Hattab (University of Houston): Suarez and Descartes: A priori Arguments Against Substantial Forms and the Decline of the Formal Cause

10:35 Coffee

11:00 Frédéric Manzini (Catholic University of Paris): Spinoza?s Intuition as Opposed to Abstraction Rather Than to Deduction

Chair/Commentator: Mika Perälä (University of Jyväskylä

12:00 Lunch

13:15 Raffaella De Rosa (Rutgers University, Newark): Descartes? Causal Principle and the Case of Body-to-Mind Causation

14:15 Juhana Lemetti (University of Helsinki): Passive and Active Imagination in the Sixth Meditation

Chair/Commentator: Lilli Alanen (Uppsala University)

15:15 Coffee

15:45 Mogens Laerke (University of Aberdeen/ENS de Lyon): Spinoza and the Cosmological Argument According to Letter 12

16:45 Break

17:00 Valtteri Viljanen (University of Turku): The Architecture of Spinoza’s Ontology Geometrically Illustrated

Chair/Commentator: Juhani Pietarinen (University of Turku)

18:45 Dinner

Saturday 17 December 2011

9:30 Jon Miller (Queen’s University): Spinoza and the Stoics on Happiness

Chair/Commentator: Valtteri Viljanen (University of Turku)

10:30 Coffee

10:45 Justin Steinberg (Brooklyn College, CUNY): Spinoza on Mental Causation

Chair/Commentator: Olli Koistinen (University of Turku)

11:45 Lunch

13:30 Peter Myrdal (Uppsala University): Leibniz on Powers, Faculties, and Laws

Chair/Commentator: Markku Roinila (University of Helsinki)

14:30 Coffee

15:00 Jani Hakkarainen (University of Tampere): Hume?s Refutation of the Principle of Sufficient Reason

Chair/Commentator: Arto Repo (University of Turku)

16:00 Break

16:15 Andreas Schmidt (University of Tübingen): Kant and the Notion of Existence

17:15 Olli Koistinen (University of Turku): Kant on Representing Causality

Chair/Commentator: Hemmo Laiho (University of Turku)

19:00 Dinner

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