International Symposium of Philosophy
International Symposium of Philosophy
The Modernity of Spinoza
Moscow : 15-16 November 2007
Russian Academy of Sciences - Institute of Philosophy
15 November 2007
10h00 : Lorenzo VINCIGUERRA, Andrei MAIDANSKY
Opening of the Symposium
10h15 : Presentation of the review Logos dedicated to Spinoza with Valeri ANASHVILI director of the review.
10h30 : Nikolay BIRJUKOV (Moscow State Institute of Forign Affairs)
Varieties of Determinism: Spinozist Meditations
11h30 : Vittorio MORFINO (University Bicocca of Milan)
Leibniz vs Spinoza. A contemporary alternative
12h15 : Discussion
12h30 : Lunch
Chairman: Serguei MAREEV (Modern Academy of Humanities, Moscow)
14h30 : Mogens LAERKE (University of Chicago)
Sketch of a metaphysics of absolute exteriority: some reflections on the theory of causality and the ontology of power in Spinoza
15h30 : François FLAHAULT (CNRS/EHESS, Paris)
About Spinoza and wisdom
16h30 : Coffee break
17h00 : Boris RUDJ (National University of Kiev)
The problem of libertas philosophandi in Spinoza
18h00 : Discussion
High School of Economics of Moscow, Maly Gnezdnikovsky 4/2
16 November 2007
Chairman : Anna YAMPOLSKAYA (Russian University of Humanities, RGGU, Moscow)
10h30 : Andrei MAIDANSKY (Institute of Economics and Management, Taganrog)
The polemics on res cogitans, or how to improve Spinoza’s theory of mind
11h30 : Chantal JAQUET (Université de Paris I - Sorbonne)
La référence à la conception spinoziste des rapports du corps et de l’esprit dans l’ouvrage de Paul Ricœur et Jean-Pierre Changeux : « Ce qui nous fait penser. La nature et la règle »
12h15 : Discussion
12h30 : Lunch
Chairman : Alexei RUTKEVICH (High School of Economics, Philosophy Department, Moscow)
14h30 : Serguei MAREEV (Modern Academy of Humanities, Moscow)
Two traditions in Soviet studies on Spinoza
15h30 : Lorenzo VINCIGUERRA (University of Reims)
Aesthetica sive ethica. A Spinozistic approach to the problem of the essence of art
16h30 : Coffee break
17h00 : Table ronde with Vitali KURENNOY, Valeri ANASHVILI, Alexandre SURMAVA
18h00 : Final discussion
18h30 : Cocktail
Directed by Lorenzo VINCIGUERRA (University of Reims, France) and Andrei MAIDANSKY (Institute of Economy and Management, Taganrog, Russia), supported by the Centre franco-russe des recherches en sciences humaines et sociales de Moscou.
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